Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Louisiana Connection's Corn & Crab Bisque

Chef Brad from Louisiana graciously came on What's Cooking on 2/14/10. When asked to share a favorite recipe he told us about Corn and Crab Bisque. The recipe he shared will make enough to feed an army but when a soup is this good... why not?

1 lb thawed frozen corn
1/2 gallon milk
1/2 gallon heavy wipping cream
3 oz butter
4 oz all purpose flour
1 lb claw crab meat
1 onion chopped
1/2 med bell pepper chopped
1 rib celery chopped
1 table spoon garlic
chicken stock
3 table spoons hot sauce
bay leaf

To Make white roux

Melt butter, add flour, cook over med high heat stiring constantly for 3 min. Add chopped veg (not garlic) cook for 2 more min. Add milk and cream and bay leaf constantly stir until fully incorporated. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer add corn and crab and garlic. Stir and cook for 10 min taste and add salt and pepper for your taste. Add hot sauce. Add chicken stock if too thick. (You want it to be as thick as melted Ice Cream.) Let simmer for 10 -15 min Serve and enjoy.

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